Feeding livestock with coconut fronds is resorted to only during dry months when the supply of forage, weeds and tree leaves is low. The coconut frond is the green woody part of the palm leaf.
Green fresh fronds are collected and the leaflets or blades are removed (Fig. 12). The woody frond is cut into foot-long sizes and then peeled of its outer cover just like sugarcane. The cut fronds are split into halves and then hand-fed.
Uses and Merits
Cattle and water buffalo relish the peeled and split fronds because they are soft and succulent. Backyard cattle raisers use coconut fronds as an emergency feed during dry months or inclement weather, when feed resources are limited. Through hand feeding, the animal becomes tamer and easily handled by the raiser. This feed resource is commonly available on the farm and adds bulk and dry matter to the daily feed intake.
Reservations on Its Use
The feed value of coconut frond is relatively low. The preparation of the coconut frond as feed is relatively laborious. Also, when coconut trees have grown tall, the collection of fronds becomes very difficult.
Read more: http://www.pinoybisnes.com/livestock-business/low-cost-feeds-and-feeding-methods-for-livestock/
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